1992 – Matthias Khun – DEU

“A plaque for those who still believes in the man and in his better part, in spite of all the modern age’s contradictions and selfishness. To a person who has given himself disinterestedly for who goes to the mountain.” With this motivation is give the Silver plaque to Matthias Kuhn, 84, alpine guide of Garmisch (Germany) pointed out from the German category association.

Matthias Khun wasn’t present at the prize giving ceremony, for this reason Angiolino Binelli and some representatives of the organizer committee have gone to Garmish to meet personally and give the hand to this man with a thick white beard and a big human spirit.

Promising alpinist when he was 18, Matthias Kuhn is one of the High mountain accidents rescue service’s founder of Garmisch Partenkirchen, becomen in short time one of its prominent elements.
After the second world war, he took part with competence and passion to the work of the groups which, in the several alpine countries, were putting the organizer bases of the present alpine rescue, contributing, with a decisive contribution of experience and deep mountain knowledge, to the furniture’s realization and to the operation technique’s improving. Risking also his own safety, he took part to many operations for helping alpinist in the Alps of Austria.

Photos of the 21st edition