1983 – Helicopter Pilots of VVF – ITA

Giovanni Moiola and Giuseppe Simonetti have taken the Silver plaque, which has awarded the helicopters team’s pilots of Mattarello in sign of real gratitude for the many resuce operations done during their ten years of activity.

To them was given a little plaque with the written “grateful…”, real witness of deep moral and human meanings. Until that moment, during their works in the helicopters team, Giovanni Moiola and Giuseppe Simonetti had built up something like 2.500 hours spent in mountain rescue operations, in addition to the many hours spent in practices to which had taken part the several alpine rescue’s teams of the whole Trento’s province.

Moiola and Simonetti have harvested in these years an enormous and precious store of experience, with passion and impulse they have studied, tested and improved new rescue technicques with the helicopter in an always hard envoiroment, like the mountain, also in extreme situations when seconds are important and to take the right decision becomes fundamental.In 1983 the plaque’s consignment is been supported by the Italian Republic President Sandro Pertini, who has sent a congratulations’ telegram to the two pilots and the prize’s promoters. Another message is also arrived from the Council of Ministers President Bettino Craxi.