1990 – Pietro Bassi – ITA

A recognition for his 44 years of activities as doctor for who, facing mountains, obtained help and comfort from him. The Silver plaque’s award to Bassi wants to award the engage of the many doctors who take part to the mountain rescue operations.

“Is in the far suburbs that you save at once or loose for ever every situation, sometimes a life” says Pietro Bassi when he speaks about his alpine rescue engage.Since the postwar Bassi lives and works at Courmayeur. He has treated more than 36 thousand injured, many of them saved from mountain incidents. Together with the professional competence he puts an exceptional hmanity: “To solve the pain you have to come in it and to suffer” says often.

Peasan and self-taught, as he loves to call himself, he was born in 1921 at Borgonovo Val Tidone (Piacenza). Since ever linked with the alpine rescue, Bassi has covered, during the years, several jobs: Alpine rescue national body instructor, Alpine militar school flying instructor of Aosta, Moena, Predazzo and Selva Gardena, High mountain rescue instructor and rescuer of a big number of rescues in the White Mountain’s zone. His engaged and his solidarity don’t live only at a high altitude: he has given his help, for example, during the White Mountain tunnel works, the Belluno flood in 1966 and the Fiuli earthquake in 1976.

To Bassi also goes the merit of the institution of an ambulatory for a 24 hours outpatients’ department, from which are passed aspirant doctors and nurses enthusiastic to learn his tecniques and his philosophy.

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